giovedì 10 Ottobre

Maxie Freeman Band

Style: Rock Blues
From: Sweden
Concert time: 22:00
Nidaba Theatre
Great concert form Sweden
“Rock -Blues”
1° show 20.00
2° show 22.00
Free admission only with reservation
Ingresso gratuito con Prenotazione


Maxie Freeman is a legend in the blues scene of Stockholm, Sweden, all-round awesome dude, and undeniably great guitar player with a burning passion for life and music and a musical repertoir that spans from down home style delta grooves to high octane funk, via a large portion Chicago roar and motown beats. He is known for his trademark extended solos that range from a whisper to full on primal screams, taking the crowd to a frenzy, all the time on the edge. Influences include Muddy Waters, Jimi Hendrix and Hound Dog Taylor among others.


Sarà possibile prenotare il proprio ingresso  seguendo queste regole:

  • Scrivere un whatsapp al numero: +39 366 999 8490
  • indicare: nome e cognome di ogni partecipante
  • indicare il tuo indirizzo email

!! Per favore: se prenotate e poi non potete partecipare, avvisatemi subito! Diamo così la possibilità ad altre persone di godersi una serata al Nidaba.

It will be possible to book your entrance  following these rules:

  • Write a whatsapp to the number: +39 366 999 8490
  • indicate the day and which show you want to participate in: 1st at 20.00 – 2nd at 22.00
  • indicate: name and surname of each participant
  • indicate your email address