Lakeetra Knowles & Music Train Band
1° show 8.00pm
2° show 10.30pm
Free admission only with reservation
Ingresso gratuito con Prenotazione
Nativa di Little Rock, Arkansas, Lakeetra Knowles, inizia a calcare i palchi a soli undici anni. Esperienze in teatro, televisione come attrice ma anche come cantante Gospel e Soul approda infine al Blues participando a molti dei festival più importanti italiani.
La Music Train Band è formata da alcuni dei migliori musicisti Soul/Blues italiani di grandi collaborazioni internazionali come: Sugar Blue, Fiona Boyes, Bob Stroger, Dona Oxford e molti altri
Lakeetra Knowles : A Native of Little Rock, Arkansas, Lakeetra Knowles is an American singer with a fresh and diverse sound. As a southern woman whose background stems from Arkansas, Dallas and Louisiana, she attributes her Soulful and diverse style to her upbringing in Church, but also to the Theater, where she also grew up. Not only did she grow up under the guidance of pastors (her grandfather and uncle), which included learning the gospel and attending weekly baptismal services, but she also studied acting,
which started at the young age of 11. She went on to work as a professional actress and singer on Broadway, film, and TV for many years. “I’m a storyteller, whether I’m acting or singing”.
The Music Train Band is made up by some of the best Italian Soul/Blues musicians of great international collaborations like: Sugar Blue, Fiona Boyes, Bob Stroger, Dona Oxford and many others.
The band:
guitars: Ettore Cappelletti
keyboards: Dave Rossi
bass: Andrea Vismara
drums: Pablo Leoni
Sarà possibile prenotare il proprio ingresso seguendo queste regole:
- Scrivere un whatsapp al numero: +39 366 999 8490
- indicare il giorno e a quale spettacolo volete partecipare: 1° alle 20.00 – 2° alle 22.30
- indicare: nome e cognome di ogni partecipante
- indicare il tuo indirizzo email
!! Per favore: se prenotate e poi non potete partecipare, avvisatemi subito! Diamo così la possibilità ad altre persone di godersi una serata al Nidabai.
It will be possible to book your entrance following these rules:
- Write a whatsapp to the number: +39 366 999 8490
- indicate the day and which show you want to participate in: 1st at 20.00 – 2nd at 22.30
- indicate: name and surname of each participant
- indicate your email address
!! Please: if you book and then cannot participate, let me know immediately!